Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tooth Extraction

What is Tooth Extraction?
Tooth Extractionmeans removal of a tooth from its socket.


In some situations, tooth extractions may need to be postponed temporarily. These situations include:
Infection that has progressed from the tooth into the bone. Infections may make anesthesia difficult. They can be treated with antibiotics before the tooth is extracted.

The patient's use of drugs that thin the blood (anticoagulants). These medications include warfarin (Coumadin) and aspirin. The patient should stop using these medications for three days prior to extraction.

Patients who have had any of the following procedures in the previous six months: heart valve replacement, open heart surgery, prosthetic joint replacement. These patients may be given antibiotics to reduce the risk of bacterial infection.

Patient who have high blood sugar level. Because,in these cases special precaution is necessary as the healing would be very slower.

An extraction is sometimes the only way to treat acute dental pain, particularly when a root-filling would be ineffective.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

1. First your dentist will anaesthelized the area and tooth.
2. After your tooth and surrounding structure become numb, he will reflect the gum area surrounding tooth.
3. If the tooth is firm, dentist will use elevator and mobilise the tooth.
4. Then he uses forceps to hold the tooth and use appropriate force to remove it from the socket.
5. Then he will press the gums from both sides , put a gauze and tell youn to bite on it for at least 30 minutes.
6. But sometimes cases might be get complicated and a surgical attempt is needed.

Post Operative care

After the extraction, the initial healing period typically takes from one to two weeks, and some swelling and residual bleeding should be expected in the next 24 hours.

It is important not to dislodge the blood clot that forms on the wound.  Occasionally, this clot can break down leaving what is known as a dry socket.   This can cause  temporary pain and discomfort that will subside as the socket heals through a secondary healing process.

Proper care of the area will affect the healing process.  Smoking and allowing food particles to pack into the socket should be avoided; in addition, it is important to take any medication that the dentist prescribes.Eventually, new bone and gum tissue will grow into the gap left by the extraction.

Consequences of tooth Extraction

Having a missing tooth can lead to several problems such as shifting teeth, difficulty chewing, and malocclusion.  Often a dentist will attempt to restore the area with an implant, fixed bridge, or a denture.

Dental Cavity Filling


hat is Dental Cavity Filling?
A Dental Cavity Filling is a way to restore a tooth damaged by decay back to its normal function and shape. When a dentist gives you a filling, he or she first removes the decayed tooth material, cleans the affected area, and then fills the cleaned out cavity with a filling material.

By closing off spaces where bacteria can enter, a filling also helps prevent further decay. Materials used for fillings include gold, porcelain, a composite resin (tooth-colored fillings), and an amalgam (an alloy of mercury, silver, copper, tin and sometimes zinc).A tooth is needed to be restored (filled) if there is a cavity, and fracture. Filling materials are of different types and advanced materials are introduced every year.

Most of us know about silver filling ( Amalgam) which has been used since a very long time.Now a days, tooth coloured fillings are getting more popular.

What are the filling materials available?

1. Silver Amalgam  
2. Glass lonover cement  
3. Miracle mix   
4. Composites


Filling Material 1. White 2. Silver
Which Type of Filling is Best?
No one type of filling is best for everyone. What's right for you will be determined by the extent of the repair, whether you have allergies to certain materials, where in your mouth the filling is needed, and the cost.

How identify the need for dental Cavity Filling?
Only your dentist can detect whether you have a cavity that needs to be filled. During a checkup, your dentist will use a small mirror to examine the surfaces of each tooth.

What Happens When You get a Filling?

If your dentist decides to fill a cavity, he will first remove the decay and clean the affected area. The cleaned-out cavity will then be filled with any of the variety of materials described above.

How long will my filling last?

It all depends on the type of tooth cavity, type of material used for the cavity, your chewing habits. So, definte time span can not be given. Some type of filling in a same type of cavity may last for different time period.



hat is a Denture?
A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and adjacent tissues. It is made of acrylic resin, sometimes in combination with various metals. There are two types of dentures: complete dentures and partial dentures. Complete dentures replace all the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. Partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position.

Complete Denture
Partial Denture
Complete and Partial Denture

Complete dentures are either "conventional" or "immediate." A conventional denture is placed in the mouth about a month after all the teeth are removed to allow for proper healing, whereas an immediate denture is placed as soon as the teeth are removed. Complete dentures are held in place through suction, or the close adaptation of the denture base to the surface area of your tissues. The drawback behind an immediate denture is that it may require more adjustments after the healing has taken place.

One thing to consider while putting on a denture is a constatnt care that it will need. Dentures should be cleaned regularly. It can be easily taken off and cleaned with a brush and water. Failure to clean dentures regularly might lead to poor oral hygiene.

Dentures will feel little uncomfortable in the beginning. One will normally get used to it in few weeks. Chewing will be uncomfortable at first - try starting off with soft foods cut into smaller pieces. It can take several visits to the dentist in order to properly fit a denture.

  1. Dentures can improve the way you look, bite, chew and speak
  2. They are made in such a way that they exactly fit in your mouth and thus look more natural.
  3. They put the jaw back into its natural biting position after back teeth have been lost, 
  4. Loss of tooth causes the resorption of the jaw bone,which makes your face more aged.Dentures help to prevent the resorption of the bone loss and restore the shape of the face.
  5. They help to protect any natural teeth from wear and tear. Without dentures to fill the gaps, the natural teeth may move or tilt, stopping your teeth biting together properly.

Dental Crowns


hat is Crown?
A crown completely covers a weak tooth above the gum line and protects it. Crowns are made of metal or porcelain, or porcelain with metal inside for strength.

What are the benefits?
A crown is strong and can look and feel exactly like a natural tooth. The colour and shape can be matched to your own teeth.
Depending on the strength of the tooth underneath, a crown can last for many years if you look after your mouth and teeth and the crown is not accidentally damaged.
Crowns can also improve the appearance of misshapen or discoloured teeth.
What dentist do?
  1. If your tooth is vital (not dead/not RCT treated) then your dentist will give you anaesthesia to releiser any kind of  pain and sensitivity while tooth preparation.
  2. Then your dentist will cut your tooth which is also known as tooth preparation. He will reduce height, breadth of your existing tooth so that a crown can be placed over it.
  3. Then he will make an impression of the reduced tooth and send that to the lab to make a crown. Then he will note the shade  (colour) of your tooth.
  4. Then your dentist will fit a temporary crown over the tooth so that you'll not feel any sensation till the permanent crown is fitted on to the tooth.
  5. Then you will be recalled for second visit after permanent crown is ready.Then your dentist will remove the temporary crown and place the permanent crown and fit with the help of a special kind of cement which binds the tooth of the crown.
What is difference between temporary crown and permanent crown?
Temporary crown is made by a material which can not be used for a long time as it can not bear masticatory forces. It is normally made of acrylic material and can be prepared in a clinic. The main motive of this crown is to protect your reduced tooth by external environment as stimuli, hot and cold, pain, forces, bacteria etc.
While permanent crown is made up of porcelain or metal which has high strength and can be used for a long time. It has to be made in the lab. So can not be delivered immediately.
What happens if any permanent crown falls off?
It is not so natural that once fitted, it will not come out. If so there is nothing to worry. Visit then dentist immediately along with the crown. Dentist will see the coordination of your tooth and crown and place it back in place with not much effort. 

Restorative Dentistry

Restoritive Dentistry is indicated when teeth must be restored to thie original structure by the use of direct and indirect restorative materials. Specific conditions taht determine the need for restorative dentistry include:
  1.    Inital or recurring decay(cavities)
  2.    Replacement or failed restorations
  3.    Abrasion or wearing away of tooth structure
  4.    Erosion of tooth structure
Ar you suffering from misshaped, broken, chipped, crooked or lost teeth? At Apple dental Zone (Multi Specialty dental Clinic) will help out people who are suffering from these conditions. There are various restorative dentistry procedures which are successfully done at our clinic. The treatment method and option depends on the kind of the dental problem an individual is suffering from. Some of the procedures that we undertake for our patients are mentioned below:

Single Crown



  1. Dental Cavity Filling: Poor dental hygiene can result in tooth decay, also known as cavities.  The material used to replace an area of the tooth where decay has been removed and a cavity remains.The two most common types of fillings are Amalgam (silver) and composite (tooth colored). Slver (Amalgam) filling material contains about 50% mercury and 50% of various other metals. The composite filling material contains acrylic and glass particles, no mercury. With attributes to both amalgam and composite fillings, the pros and cons can help you decide what type of filling is best for you.
  2. Dental Crowns: when a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, dental crowns act as a protective cover, strengthening the tooth and reinforcing the jaw.
  3. Veneers: Veneers are thin wafer like substance which can be used for teeth restoration. Veneers can effectively correct broken, damaged, crooked, misaligned and misshapen teeth. There are two types of veneers: 1. Porcelain Veneer (Direct) and 2. Composite Veneer (Direct) .Teeth’s whitening is also possible with the use of porcelain veneers. We use very thin layers on our patient’s teeth so that they do not feel their teeth are bulky at all.   
  4. Dental Bridges: for one or more missing teeth, dental bridges literally "bridge the gap" between remaining teeth, stabilizing the jaw by surrounding those teeth with attractive crowns.
  5. Dentures: replacing one or more teeth is easier than ever before with the multitude of denture alternatives available to patients. Dentures are now more comfortable and affordable than ever before.


Types of teeth

hat is Orthodontic Treatment?

You might have seen people wearing braces or wires on their teeth. That is infact that person is going through orthodontic treatment. Teeth in irregular position lead to an undesirable apperance, and smile. Therefore public with such problem seek for orthodontic treatment so that their apperance can be improved. Orthodontic treatment helps in improving the oral health condition and facial bone development too.

Orthodontic treatment not only improves the look of your teeth, it may prevent bigger dental problems from developing later in life. Orthodontics is the science of adjusting the position of mis-aligned teeth by the use of  'braces.'


  1. Fixed- can not be removed and placed by patient himself.
  2. Removable- Can be removed and placed by the patient himself. 

    Stainless Steel with Molar Bands
    Ceramic & Stainless Steel Bands

    Twin Block

    Invu and Nu Edge
     Bite Turbo Teeth



    What are the benefits of fixed procedure over removable?

    Only minor irregularities can be corrected by the removable orthodontic treatment whereas major problems can be treated by the fixed orthodontic treatment.
    There are high chances of relapse with removable than fixed. After orthodontoic treatment, it is always advisable that a retainer is used.
    Fixed orthodontic treatment is always better with uncooperative patients who tend to remove their appliance if they do not like it.
    The final outcome is always better with fixed orthodontic treatment procedure.

    Benefits of orthodontic treatment?

    Before Treatment

    After Treatment

    Improvements to the bite can be made, making it easier to bite, chew and speak; cosmetically, appearance can be greatly improved.

    Who needs orthodontic treatment?

    Not everyone has a good smile.Many people have either overcrowded teeth or too spacing making your personality poor.You can improve that with the orthodontic treatment.  In addition, crooked or crowded teeth may cause uneven wear of tooth surfaces or jaw problems that may lead to complications later in life. They can also be difficult to clean properly, which makes them prone to tooth decay and gum disease.

    Treatment Period

    Treatment times vary, but it may take from 18 to 30 months to complete. For adults, treatment may take a little longer because the facial bones have stopped growing. But whatever your age, keeping your teeth and gums healthy during orthodontic treatment will help keep treatment time on track.

    Root Canal Treatment

    What is Root Canal Treatment (RCT)?

    Your tooth consists of two main parts: the crown, which is that part of the tooth above the gum and visible in your mouth; and the root or roots, which is that part of the tooth that lies beneath the gum and is surrounded by bone. Inside each root is a channel that runs the length of the tooth. This channel is the root canal and contains the pulp (nerves, blood vessels, and soft tissue), which is often referred to as the "nerve" of the tooth. The pulp may be irreversibly damaged by bacteria associated with decay, very deep restorations, fractures, trauma, or periodontal disease.

    In order to preserve a tooth in which this has occurred, it is necessary to remove the diseased pulp tissue. This procedure is known as endodontic therapy. Since endodontic therapy is concerned with removing only the pulp from the root canal, the root will continue to function normally because the supporting tissues remain intact. It is advisable to remove the injured pulp because it may become infected or act as an irritant to the tissues surrounding the tooth.

    Root canal treatment is a procedure by which the exposed or infected nerves are removed from the root of the tooth and then the canal is cleaned and widened with the help of some instruments and the canal then is sealed with some material so as to leave the canal sterile. The tooth after the root canal treatment will remain non vital but it act as functioning unit.

    What Yout Dentist Do?
    1. If your tooth is vital, you will need anaesthesia to make painless procedure. If tooth is already dead  you don't have to get anaesthesia.

    2. Then your dentist will make a hole through the chewing surface and this hole will be large enough till he reaches the inner part of the tooth ( that is pulp chamber )


    3. Then he locates the canal.

     4 Cleans and enlarge the canal with a special instrument called reamers and files.

    5  Once done, then your tooth is ready to be filled. Your canal is ready when it becomes dry and painless.

    6  First he fill the root by a material called gutta percha and then he fills the crown portion by filling materials.


    7  Our RCT procedure can not be done in a single visit. It might take 3/4 or even more visits. This will depend upon the cordination of your tooth.

    8  Tooth like grossly damaged might need crown. Because after RCT, the tooth becomes brittle and has high chance of fracture.

    9  The success of RCT varies. If you feel discomfort or pain even after RCT, you should visit the dentist immediately.

    Why You Require Root Canal Treatment?

    Sometimes you suffer from acute dental pain.In such case you have to choose either RCT or extraction to releif your pain. Because the tooth will not heal by itself. Without treatment, the infection will spread, bone around the tooth will begin to degenerate, and the tooth may fall-out.  Pain usually worsens until one is forced to seek emergency dental attention. 
    Though an extraction is cheaper, the space left behind will require  a bridge, which can be more expensive than root canal therapy. usually extraction of the tooth,cause surrounding teeth to shift crookedly, resulting in a bad bite. If you have the choice, it's always best to keep your original teeth.

    Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
    1. Root canal treatment helps you to save the tooth.
    2. In severe type of acute pain,pain subsides immediately after cleaning of the canal

    Friday, November 27, 2009

    Cosmetic Dentistry

    mile with confidence !

    You might have been to a hair dresser, a beauty salon and a fashion boutique to beautify yourself, but how many times have you visited a dentist for it?

    Yes - a dentist! We have related Dentistry only to relieving pain and disease forgetting the most crucial part in our beauty - the smile. Your smile is a key part of your unique look and personality. It’s not surprising that the world assesses your friendliness and personality by your smile. It is a key factor in your self esteem and the way you interact with others.

    If you have been refraining from smiling due to your teeth color, structure, position or shape its time to visit a dentist. There are many ways to enhance your smile and your regular dentist or a cosmetic dentist can help you through it. Many people are more interested in changing the color of their teeth than the tooth's actual shape. This is the reason why people relate cosmetic dentistry with whitening of the teeth, but cosmetic dentistry also equally concern with changing tooth shape and position. Here we lay down some corrections that your dentist can give you for a smile with confidence.

    Discoloured Teeth

    The most common correction of discolouration is through whitening. Though very popular in rest of the world, it is not widely available in Nepal. This is because of the unavailability of the new technologies used for bleaching. However, home bleaching system is pretty popular these days. Discolouration can be present in a single or in few teeth only. In these cases, crown and veneer can be made so as to mask the colour. Both of these act as a cover for the natural teeth. Crown covers the whole of the tooth surface while veneer covers only front surface of the tooth. Beaching can also be done in single tooth.

    Besides discolouration stain is also a common problem. This can be corrected in the same way as the discolouration but in minor cases scaling or composite filling is enough to remove or hide the stains.

    Abnormal Position of Teeth

    Wearing braces is another very popular dental treatment in Nepal. If you have a problem with the position and shape of teeth like rotation, crowding and gaps, they can be corrected by forcing them into desired position with the help of metal wires. These wires can be fixed or removable.

    Braces may not be a desirable choice because of the time it takes for correction and also the awkwardness one may face to show it. Simple problems like rotation, tipping can be masked by putting veneer or crown over the tooth. Porcelain crowns are stronger and look more like natural teeth. They can be made in different shades and so can exactly match the adjacent tooth colour.

    Wide gaps, especially in the front teeth can also be corrected by putting crown or composite filling.

    Surface Defects

    Surface defects like cracks, chipped teeth, erosion, fracture and cavity can be easily corrected with Composite Bonding. After preparing the teeth for bonding, the dentist uses a mild acid to condition the enamel of the tooth so the composite will adhere to it. Then the dentist applies and shapes several layers of the composite material to the proper form on the tooth, which can change both the shape and shade of your tooth. The procedure is painless and done in one or two appointments.

    Tooth Loss

    Tooth loss can be another reason for a bad smile. There are various technique to replace a lost tooth. Bridge is a common treatment for replacing missing tooth or teeth with tooth-shaped porcelain that fills the space. However it is a costly and time consuming process. Despite the time and money, it is an excellent means of replacing missing teeth.

    Implant is new and advanced technology in dentistry for replacing missing tooth but is not common in Nepal. Implant is placed(screwed) surgically in the jaw and gums. This process might be more expensive than the bridge.

    A cheaper process is a removable tooth that can be placed over the missing tooth. These teeth are made up of acrylic. While they are cheaper, they can be uncomfortable and less stronger than porcelain teeth.

    After knowing the possibilities, now you do not need to cover your mouth when you laugh or close your lips while smiling. Smile freely – as it does wonders. Just imagine how an attractive new smile could boost your confidence, improve your relationships and help you show others the real you!

    Why we are special?


    hy  we are Special? How we differ from others?

    Ten Reasons Why Clients should Choose ‘The Apple Dental Zone

    1) We are committed to serve all the people including middle and lower income group

    ‘The Apple Dental Zone’ is absolutely committed to serve all the people including the middle and lower income people with advanced and quality dental practice at an affordable cost.

    You can avail the benefits of common mass.

    2) We have an easy to access practice

    The Apple Dental Zone is committed to serve as a strategic location which besides catering to the local population can also address the dental patient community at large in Chennai.

    You can reach our center in a number of ways and your travel time is shorter

    3) We offer one – on - one consultation to discuss all treatment options

    At The Apple Dental Zone we will discuss all treatment options with you. The dentists and the clients can arrive at the appropriate treatment options which matches your immediate requirements as well as your budget. The options will include in the choice of restorative and other dental materials, braces, bridges, crowns, complete and partial dentures etc.

    You will be benefitted by the one – to – one dental counseling

    4) We offer value for money

    At The Apple Dental Zone we offer our advanced dental technology and services at a competitive and affordable cost. Our prices or tariff are being evolved for common mass and hence they are comparable among the cheapest for any type of dental treatment in Chennai.

    You can benefit the advanced dental technology and services at a competitive and affordable cost.

    5) We offer versatile payment plans
    We are also committed to provide free of charge dental examination or diagnosis to all our clients and at a discounted rate for conventional dental health care services for our families, senior citizens and children.

    You can enjoy your dental examination free of charge. You can afford whatever treatment you need or request.

    6) We are a state of the art dental practice
    At The Apple Dental Zone, with the team of expert and experienced panel of dentists, from all major dental specialties, we are committed to provide all the basic and advanced dental treatment under one roof.
    You can benefit from our continued advancement of knowledge and skills in different dental specialties.

    7) We offer friendly support and time management while scheduling appointments

    At The Apple Dental Zone we are committed to provide best ambience, friendly support and the time managed effectively to reduce waiting period, delays and improve efficiency. We are also committed to provide convenient appointments at short notice. We are focused on making your visit comfortable and worthwhile.
    In emergency situations our aim is to make you comfortable as soon as possible.

    You can enjoy the warmth of our friendly support and you may get the flexibility in scheduling your appointments and this results in mutually convenient schedules.

    8) We believe in preventative dentistry

    At The Apple Dental Zone we believe that ‘prevention is better than cure.’
    You can learn preventive dentistry procedures and continue to enjoy better dental health and thus you may able to prevent dental diseases or disorders. This will keep you smiling for longer!

    9) We have an experienced, dedicated team

    At The Apple Dental Zone the team of dentists continually strive to extend their knowledge through extensive training. Through this we can be sure that you are getting the highest quality dental care.

    You can benefit from our committed and combined experience. You are likely to invest in the best level of dental care available today.

    10) We offer guarantee to ‘Dental Products’

    At The Apple Dental Zone we are using the best materials for long lasting restoration. We also guarantee for the ‘Dental Products’ i.e. removable, partial denture, crowns and bridges. The guarantee is subject to regular check ups and hygiene visits with our practice and provided there has been no external trauma.

    Dental Tourism


    ourism combines with Medication has come into effect, from which the concept of Medical Tourism is derived. Today the perfect way to recover from an ailment is to combine quality treatment with a great vacation. Dental Tourism is another subset of Medical Tourism. Dental Tourism is the new concept or practice of travelling across international borders to obtain dental health care i.e. dental treatment, dental surgery or dental procedures, which are generally expensive in their own country.


    In the 21st century this fast growing concept of dental tourism is fast changing the conventional concept of dental health care. The cost of dental treatment is skyrocketing in the western countries like US and Europe. Besides, there is the long delay and waiting period for certain treatments in some countries. In US people are frustrated by waiting several months for certain surgical procedures.


    The dental tourism offers low cost high quality dental health care. The dental tourists in the developed world are looking overseas for dental treatment. They are usually driven by price considerations and the waiting period. .Most of the Dental tourists are unable to meet the high cost dental fees and the cost of the Dental Insurance also soaring high. Dental Insurance coverage is slowly loosing its charm.

    In India, dental treatment is not only fast but also costs a fraction of what it costs in USA or Europe. Surveys report that it is approximately 7-10 times more than that in India.

    Cost Comparison of dental Treatment Procedures between USA and India

    Dental Procedure

    Cost USA $

    Cost India $


    Top End

    Top End

    Smile Designing

    Metal Free Bridge

    Dental Implants

    Porcelain Metal Bridge

    Porcelain Metal Crown

    Tooth Impactions

    Root canal Treatment
    Tooth Whitening

    Tooth colored
    Composite Filling

    Thooth Cleaning


    * These Figures do not suggest the actual cost. Actual Cost of Treatment varies from Case to Case

    Even with airfare costing higher and the expensive trip to India for dental treatment can be remarkably cheaper, and the quality of dental care services is often slightly better than that found in the United States and UK. The latest technology is used here and can be compared with any dental centers in the world. The dentists are highly qualified and so is the support staff. The quality assurance exercises in the dental centers are stringent and the procedures guarantee high quality and reliability.


    India is noted for its unity in diversity and there are different cultures and languages. However English is widely spoken through out India. The health care industry people communicate with fluent English. For the dental tourists the language is not a barrier. The other European language people can manage with an interpreter or translator.


    India is capitalizing on its low costs and highly trained dentists to appeal to these dental tourists. The dental health care facilities in India are internationally accredited. In India the corporate dental health care sector join hands with tourism industry to promote ‘Dental Health Care Tourism. The Government of India is also very keen in the promotion of such health care tourism.


    Dental appointments do not take much time and your stay in star hotels is also low. The private and corporate dental clinics are very keen in attending the dental tourists and there is no need to wait even for a week.

    Your stay will be taken care by health care tourism industry.  Most of the tailor made facilities like your stay, food, entertainment etc. will make your stay comfortable.

    Thousands of people from developed countries are willing to travel across the world and visit India every year to avail health care facilities and enjoy their holidays. For dental tourists in particular, The Apple Dental Zone will be the better choice. The Apple Dental Zone promises you a world class treatment.


    • Visas : All foreigners entering India need a visa.
    • Embassy Assistance :Contact your own embassy as they may assist you in solving any major issue and will provide you an uptaded list of doctors and medical centres. In addition most embassies now have online registration available for travelers where you can log your passport, itinerary and emergency contact details.
    • Currency :The currency used in India is the rupee, which is divided into 100 paise. Rupees are available in the following denominations: Notes: Rs 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000. Coins: 5, 10, 20, 25 and 50 paise and Rs 1,2 and 5.
    • Travelling by Trains :Prefer to travel by train in India. Indian Railway is the largest in the world and most of the Indian cities and towns are well connected by train network Ensure whether your destination is connected by train and the number of trains scheduled in the specific route. You can book the E-tickets from the website website from 5am to 11.30pm only as per Indian Time.  E-ticketing Gateway accepts International Credit Cards, including  Visa card, Master Card and American Express card . It is safe to travel by AC class and don’t prefer  non AC travelling. Take care of your luggage and don’t forget to get them locked with chain.
    • Taxi : You are advised to approach government pre-paid taxi booths located in front of all airports and city railway stations. The booth assistant will help you to hire a taxi.

    Chennai (previously Madras) is one of the four major metropolitan cities of India. Chennai is the 6th largest city in India. The city is the capital of the State of Tamil Nadu located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. It is also regarded as the 'Gateway to South India.' Chennai is an important port and industrial base. Chennai has its well connected road network and the metropolitan infrastructure is well administered by the State government. Chennai international airport is one of the well maintained airports and well praised by International tourists. This conservative city is known for its diverse population and also for its wealth of arts and literature as well.  Chennai is also regarded as the center for Bharatanatyam, a classical dance form of Tamil Nadu.

    The state is also noted for its age old traditions, rich culture and the beautiful and the most ancient Tamil language. You may find number of temples and religious mutts across the city. The traditionally cultured city is characterized by its peace loving population.

    The city of Chennai was once a fishing hamlet on the shore of Bay of Bengal. In 1639, the British (East India Company) purchased the land and constructed a fort. Chennai became the capital of the British presidency. Few conflicts arose between the British and the French for supremacy in trade. Chennai was the centre of attraction for such conflicts.

    Slowly Chennai expanded its area. Now this beautiful city is the tourist destination for lovers of art and culture. The city is well recognized for its high end corporate hospitals providing quality surgical procedures and treatments and the experienced travel industry transforming the city another medical tourist destination.
    The Marina beach, where the blue waters of the Bay of Bengal mingle with the golden sand, or the forts and palaces, which remind one of the bygone eras, make Chennai a preferred destination of the tourists. This thirteen kilometers long marvelous Marina beach adds more beauty to the city.

    While on tour to Chennai, visit St. George Fort, the historical building housing the state secretariat  which remaining as the vestigial monument of the British Colonial Rulers. You can also find a variety of British and French antiques and other commemorations.

    Chennai offers a lot of opportunities to the nature and animal lovers. Please make it a point to visit the Guindy National Park, the Snake Park and even crocodile park. Other main attractions of the city are the Santhome Cathedral, Birla Planetarium, Elliot Beach, Valluvar Kottam, National Art and Government Museum, Anna Zoological Park, Kalakshetra and the Theosophical Society.


    • Area:  174 square kilometers
    • Population:  As per the 2001 Census, Chennai has a population of 42.16 lakh.
    • Density of population: 24,231 persons per square kilometre
    • Altitude (Above mean sea level)
    • Meenambakkam - 16 mts
    • Nungambakkam - 6 mts

    Geographical Location:

    Chennai is situated by the 13th north parallel and 80° longitude, along the Coromandel Coast in the southern part of the Indian peninsula.

    Topography: This seaside city appears even more sprawling than it is, because of its low skyline. The Cooum river, the Adyar river and the Buckingham canal flow through Chennai.

    Weather: Chennai (formerly Madras) has the Bay of Bengal bordering its east, while the state of Andhra Pradesh is on its northwest. It has the famous district of Tamilnadu, Kanchipuram, on its south and the states of Kerala and Karnataka on its western side. Being situated at the tropical zone, Chennai normally has a very hot and humid climate.

    The best time to visit Chennai city is the winter season from the months of November to February. Winter and summer temperature does not vary much as it rains frequently through the year.

    Chennai - Tourist Attractions

    There are several tourist attractions worth visiting in and around Chennai. Stretched over an area of 13 km, Marina Beach is the second longest beach in the world. The St. George Fort, built in 1653, is currently used as the state government's secretariat. Santhome Cathedral was built around 14th/15th century and is another colonial structure worth visiting. Dedicated to Lord Shiva, the Kapaleeshwar Temple is the oldest temple in Chennai. Another important temple in the city dedicated to Lord Krishna is Parthsarthy Temple. The National Art Gallery, initially known as Victoria Memorial Hall, houses a good collection of old paintings and sculptures. The Snake Park has a large collection of snakes and many other reptiles. The Theosophical Society is located in large and tranquil gardens with several shrines of different faiths and a Serene Garden of Remembrance. Nearby is the Kalakshetra, which was founded by Rukmini Devi Arundale for the revival of Indian classical arts and crafts traditions.

    Parthsarthy Temple

    The temple was built in the 8th century by the Pallava kings of South India. It was renovated by the mighty Vijayanagar kings in the 16th century. The temple, situated in Triplicane, another beach in Chennai and one of the major harbours during Pallava time, is famed for the beauty of its gopuram (arched gateway) and its architecture. The entire locality is fashioned around the temple.

    Kapaleeshwar Temple

    This temple was constructed in the 13th century and is a living example of the architectural skills of the Dravidians. Situated in the Malaypore area of Chennai, the temple is the nucleus of the local tank market and residential quarters around it. The main entrance facing east is painted in red, blue and yellow with Puranic legends sculpted on the sanctum sanctorum.

    Santhome Cathedral

    Built over the tomb of apostle St. Thomas, the Santhome Cathedral is an important pilgrimage centre. According to legends, St. Thomas arrived in India from Palestine in AD 52 and died after 26 year. The church was built after a millennium, probably by the Persian Christians, and his remains were moved inside. The church was refurbished in 1606 and made into a cathedral. Again, in 1806, it was rebuilt as a basilica. There is a museum in its premises with a 16th-century map of South Asia.

    Fort St. George

    The most powerful symbol of the British Empire in its early days in India, Fort St. George was the first piece of real estate for British in India. For many, it is still unclear that why Sir Day (the founder) choose this place to build this important fort, leaving many other picturesque locations on the vast coastline of the Bay of Bengal. The fort has a grey granite exterior unlike the Mughal forts that has lavish ornamentation and luxury. It housed barracks for the British army, a parade ground, and the oldest church of Chennai-the St. Mary's Church.

    Marina Beach

    The beach extends from Fort St. George all the way to Mahabalipuram. The beach looks spectacular at dusk when the setting sun casts iridescent glow and peddlers sell everything from ice creams to roasted peanuts to balloons. You can also read your future from the fortune tellers and palm readers who lure the visitors by various means. Don't try to show your swimming skills here as the sea can get quite rough here.

    National Art Gallery

    Built in 1906, the gallery is situated in a splendid Indo-Saracenic edifice. The building was initially known as Victoria Memorial Hall and was designed by Henry Irwin. The eminent historian Tillotson described it as one of "the proudest expressions of the Indo-Sarcenic movement". There is a good collection of old paintings and sculptures including Tanjore paintings on glass; Rajput and Mughal miniature paintings; Deccan paintings from 17th century; and handcrafts, metalware, and ivory carvings from 11th and 12th