Saturday, November 28, 2009

Restorative Dentistry

Restoritive Dentistry is indicated when teeth must be restored to thie original structure by the use of direct and indirect restorative materials. Specific conditions taht determine the need for restorative dentistry include:
  1.    Inital or recurring decay(cavities)
  2.    Replacement or failed restorations
  3.    Abrasion or wearing away of tooth structure
  4.    Erosion of tooth structure
Ar you suffering from misshaped, broken, chipped, crooked or lost teeth? At Apple dental Zone (Multi Specialty dental Clinic) will help out people who are suffering from these conditions. There are various restorative dentistry procedures which are successfully done at our clinic. The treatment method and option depends on the kind of the dental problem an individual is suffering from. Some of the procedures that we undertake for our patients are mentioned below:

Single Crown



  1. Dental Cavity Filling: Poor dental hygiene can result in tooth decay, also known as cavities.  The material used to replace an area of the tooth where decay has been removed and a cavity remains.The two most common types of fillings are Amalgam (silver) and composite (tooth colored). Slver (Amalgam) filling material contains about 50% mercury and 50% of various other metals. The composite filling material contains acrylic and glass particles, no mercury. With attributes to both amalgam and composite fillings, the pros and cons can help you decide what type of filling is best for you.
  2. Dental Crowns: when a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, dental crowns act as a protective cover, strengthening the tooth and reinforcing the jaw.
  3. Veneers: Veneers are thin wafer like substance which can be used for teeth restoration. Veneers can effectively correct broken, damaged, crooked, misaligned and misshapen teeth. There are two types of veneers: 1. Porcelain Veneer (Direct) and 2. Composite Veneer (Direct) .Teeth’s whitening is also possible with the use of porcelain veneers. We use very thin layers on our patient’s teeth so that they do not feel their teeth are bulky at all.   
  4. Dental Bridges: for one or more missing teeth, dental bridges literally "bridge the gap" between remaining teeth, stabilizing the jaw by surrounding those teeth with attractive crowns.
  5. Dentures: replacing one or more teeth is easier than ever before with the multitude of denture alternatives available to patients. Dentures are now more comfortable and affordable than ever before.

1 comment:

  1. Root canal is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. You can get Root Canal Treatment in Nagpur at minimal cost!
